You are currently viewing El Shaddai’s 25th Anniversary

El Shaddai’s 25th Anniversary

First batch of El Shaddai Charitable trust from Victory House
first school mini bus donated by Liverpool
Inauguration of Shekinah House opening in 1999
The children of Rainbow House on their first day of school
In the photo are our founders Anita Edgar and Matthew on their slum visits
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El Shaddai Completes 25 years on June 24th..!! As we celebrate this special occasion we want you and others like you, all across the world, who have walked with us in this journey, to join us.

This is dedicated to reflecting back and sharing with you some highlights of this 25 years journey. Please do share with us your thoughts and stories of El Shaddai.. These are the things that warm up our hearts and charge us up to work harder.

We take this opportunity to THANK YOU for your trust and support to our work.