By Oswyn Dsouza
Vishwanath Sindi (aka Anup) and his mother migrated to Goa from Mangalore in search of a better future. Sadly, Anup’s father passed away when Anup was just three years old. Anup’s sister was blessed with a scholarship and is staying at a girl’s hostel and school, the Prajnya Counseling Center in Mangalore.
When Anup and his mother arrived in Goa they stayed at the Margao railway station and slept wherever they could find a place, mostly on the platforms itself. During the day his mother would resort to begging to provide for her son and herself.
One day in July 2012 one of the field workers, Dilshad had gone out to the train station. The field workers of the shelters make regular visits to slum areas, public places, parks and gardens in order to help children in need. It was during one of these visits that Dilshad spotted Anup and his mother. After speaking to the mother, he was able to convince her that her son’s future would be better if he was enrolled at the shelter. At the shelter, Anup could get his daily meals and have a proper place to sleep. Anup would also get the education that every child his age deserves.
Listen to Anup recount his story in his own words
Anup started coming to the Stepping Stones shelter on 24th July 2012. He received tuition classes and also computer classes at Stepping Stones. He enjoyed coming to the shelter where the staff taught Anup in the in-formal school in the shelter.

For 3 years he stayed day and night at the shelter. During those days Stepping Stones was a Night and Day care Center. Once the shelter became only a Day Care centre, Anup and his mom moved to a nearby slum. Anup continued coming to the shelter during the day.
As the years passed by Anup grew into a wonderful young man. Today, he has opened his own small business – a juice center in the Margao market area. His sister who completed her studies in Mangalore has also got married.
Anup lives in a one bedroom flat in Margao city. His mother no longer begs and has moved in with her son. Looking back at his life Anup could not but wonder what it would have been had his mother not allowed him to attend Stepping Stones.
– Oswyn is Communications Director at El Shaddai