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During the ongoing COVID 19 pandemic since 23rd March,  responding to prevailing  COVID 19 crisis, we are reaching out to thousands of poor families, marginalized workers,  street children and slum dwellers in Mapusa, Margao,  Panjim and Calangute who are facing difficulties to meet their basic needs. We cannot allow a worsening of the health and nutrition status in such vulnerable families. Almost entire India now is facing unemployment. Mostly marginalized workers need your help more than ever. We at El Shaddai Charitable Trust are determined to serve all those in need during this difficult time.

We are continuing our fight against hunger during the COVID 19 crisis. It’s urgent to keep reaching communities with food, reaching food-street people, and filling empty plates. Our staff Ms Kajal Chicknali has taken up the initiative to cook and distribute one-time free meal to the people living on the streets initially in Margao followed by Mapusa,  Calangute from our Centralised  Kitchen “Khana Ghar”.  El Shaddai is providing 600 meals every day to poor and marginalised who cannot return home and to the people living on the streets. Your support has helped us to feed hot cooked meals to  120000  people. Our outreach workers daily identify localities where people don’t have food and are hungry.

We continue to work together, stronger than ever towards our mission  no underprivileged and poor people should go hungry during this crisis.
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